Going through 3 phones in a calendar year may sound excessive for the average phone user. Well for this young blogger it is not enough. The first two dead phones were a result of wear and tear and then water damage. And now after switching networks to the dark side (Verizon) I have more phone problems. Since this past Friday I have not been able to speak to or hear anyone on my phone. What makes the situation even better is that my phone still actually rings and I can answer it, but then cannot hear or say anything. For those of you who desperately need to contact me have no fear for my texting availability is still here. And after a trip to Verizon today (which is always an adventure) I learned I can get a new phone mailed to me in two days. What was more intriguing is that even though I pay 6 dollars of insurance for my phone it was still going to cost me 50 dollars for a new phone. Now maybe my understanding of what the definition of insurance is skewed but I was always under the impression that insurance meant that my phone would be insured if something happened to it (i.e. the sound stopped working). Just a misunderstanding on my part I guess.
I'm running (out) on Dunkin' Take 2
The world of work has me by the shorthairs right now with teaching, coaching two teams and reffing every chance I get but as my friend Steve-0 would say, "Anything worth doing is worth over doing." That was Steven Tyler actually but Steve likes to say it and wishes he could take credit for it so I was gonna let him have this one. He needs it.
In Sean We Trust
Now I've already went public saying that our 2009-2010 INDIANA Pacers will win 50 games next year. Im purposely stressing the word INDIANA because I'm not sure how long Larry Bird's squad will be in our fair state and I loathe the day I won't be able to speak of the Pacers as a current NBA Franchise. Moving on to happier news. After some extensive research I have found out that it will cost 6 more dollars a month to get a Direct TV package that includes WGN so I can keep up with the WWE Universe and watch WWE Superstars on Thursday evenings. 6 dollars seems to be a very interesting amount because it is the exact amount I am paying for my noninsurance for my verizon phone currently. I expect to start redirecting this 6 dollars very shortly so I can enjoy Tombstones, Batista Bombs and MVP's Ballin' Shot! ASAP.
Something for Sara. This section is designed for myself to give out different top 5's. This week's topic: My top 5 school lunch meals.
5. Chili and Peanut Butter Sandwiches
4. Thanksgiving Lunch Day
3. The Rectangle Pizza
2. Ham and Cheese Croisant
1. The Foot Long Hotdog
Life really doesn't get any better than with these meals.
A Love Story
I went to Ponderosa yesterday with Sean and his wife. While preparing to order I noticed that instead of just getting the buffet for 70 cents more I could get a steak and a baked potato which after asking I realized I could get it TO GO!!! So after stuffing myself with chicken wings, mashed potatoes and runny macoroni I got to put my steak and baked potato in an actual doggie bag (yes they didn't stop making doggie bags in 1977). And for supper last night I got to enjoy my 70 cent steak and baked potato in the comfort of my own home. If that's not love im not sure what is.
Inspiration for Tom
We'll just go ahead and say Steve-0 came up with this from now on, he might as well have
"anything worth doing is worth over doing."
Monday, April 20, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Spring Break!

For those of you uniformed with the current calculations of the life of this young writer please pay attention to the following. As of two weeks ago I took a job as a special ed teacher that i love, i am coaching a hs girls aau team that won their first game last nite 77-56 and im in high debate whether i want to coach a jr high track team that i need to decide one way or another in by the end of of the weekend. So thats the life jobwise, socialwise I am on Spring Break right now which i spent the first half in bloomington and broke my record for beers in a single nite, 22! so hooray me for almost being able to still drink my age, what a sad life. The grail of the week of course is coming this weekend where Wrestlemania XXV will be airing and I am in no way prepared for. Anyway, lets move on to my sections so I can move on with my nite.
I'm running (out) on Dunkin' Take 2
Congratulations Dunkin' Donuts. I took ur job because of the novelty and because of it I am teaching everyday. For no reason at all i decided to put Dunkin in my teaching resume' and during my teaching entire spent more time discussing about my time at Dunkin Donuts than any teaching or coaching job I've ever done. My favorite donut is just a regular Maple Donut.
In Sean We Trust
See Section "something for sara
Something for Sara
This section is designed for myself to give out different top 5's. This week's topic: My top 5 matches I'm lookin forward to at Wrestlemania this weekend
5. Cena vs Big Show vs Edge. Im going to be honest. Vickie Guerrero makes this match and I can wait to see where her heart truly lies with the big show and edge. my prediction, cena wins the match, vickie will have to pleasure herself from now on afterwards.
4. Women's Battle Royal. Anytime Kelly Kelly is involved is one thing, but 25 of them in on over the top rope battle royal is worth 55 bucks any day of the week. My prediciton. Gail Gim (pictured above) just because I have a thing for asians and i mean are you serious?
3. HHH vs Orton. Any feud that involves assault a sledghammer throwing , breaking into a house and then destroying it, kissing another mans wife while her actual husband is handcuffed to the ring rope, 3 McMahons who all have spent time in the hospital AND tricking cody rhodes into an actualy cage is going to make my top 5 at any pay per view. my prediction. orton
2. The Money in the Bank Ladder Match. This match usually steals the show at Wrestlemania because its just so god damn ridiculous. My prediction. Kane
1. Shawn Michaels vs the Undertaker. Taker's 16-0 at Wrestlemania. Michaels is 'Mr. Wrestlemania'. I can remember playing this match on my super nintendo. I am not ready for this. my prediction. rest in peace michaels. taker will be 17-0
A Namedrop for my friends Business
In honor of my girl Tiff who has givin me everyone haircut ive had in the last 2 years I want to reccomend to everyone that they start getting their haricut at the College Mall REGIS' in Bloomington, IN and make sure u ask for TIFF!
A Love Story
Inspiration for Tom
This is just a good quote, you should take notes from the Undertaker actually
"Listen, if you've got beef with me, I aint a hard guy to find. I stand 6'10, I weigh 330lbs, and I'm usually kicking the hell out of somebody." The Undertaker
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