Thursday, August 13, 2009

114 Days and We've Got an Update

You tend to look at your life a little differently when you're 24 years old and you find yourself out running errands with your mother. Part of you feeling proud of yourself for doing something nice for your mother, part of you praying that you don't see anyone you know, and then there's that final part that makes you wonder what direction you are going in your life. This is what I went through for two hours this afternoon. Here's a rundown of my day.

"What are you doing, trying to race there?"
"Do you need money for your McDonalds?"
"Will you sweep out my car while I'm in physical therapy?"
"We got to go to Aldi too. Do you need anything?"
"We might need to go pick up a cat, I need to make a phone call first."

Heres a brief summary of the answers from the above questions. 64 mph is entirely way to fast to be driving down Carlos Road in which was recently repaved thanks to a "Wheel Tax" whatever that is. No, I do not need money to buy McDonalds but I will accept your six dollars to pay for it. No I don't really want to sweep out your car in the 90 degree heat but what choice do I have now that I've accepted your six dollars. I don't think anything makes you feel like a 4 year old than going grocery shopping with your mother and yes I let her buy me some strawberries. And finally no cat today, I don't know how the cat got on the list of things to do or why a phone call put a hoax on the whole deal but that's all just too bad. But all and all what a great day to spend with my mom.

I'm Running (out) on Dunkin Take 2

School starts next week which means I actually might start working a little bit as a full-time sub. At this point in my lfe I consider this as good as it gets.

In Sean We Trust/Something For Sara

I've decided to focus this top five list to you Sean and the top 5 Part-Time Jobs you should look into.

5. Dunkin Donuts. Of course. Just use me as a reference and your'e in makin America's favorite coffee and breakfast pasteries.

4. A Fireman. I realize that you are over qualified for this position on a variety of levels but I feel you could thrive with this profession

3. The Janitor. Just be "The Janitor" anywhere with no one really knowing who you are until one day you quit only then to reveal your true identity.

2. Professional Fighter. Here's a link of some local places in your area where you can begin your training. Hopefully you can find something Rex-Quan-Do esque to fit your training needs.

1. Bee Keeper. You can actually start this today with the gigantic bee hive in my parents backyard. Thus far the thousands of bees seem pretty harmless so you should have no problem removing them from the property. We will provide you with a set of gloves for your trouble.

Inspiration for Tom

From my new favorite movie, The Hangover

"You guys might not know this, but I consider myself a bit of a loner. I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolf pack. But when my sister brought Doug home, I knew he was one of my own. And my wolf pack.... it grew by one. So there.... there were two of us in the wolf pack.... I was alone first in the pack, and then Doug joined in later. And six months ago, when Doug introduced me to you guys, I thought "Wait a second, could it be?" And now I know for sure, I just added two more guys to my wolf pack. Four of us wolves, running around the desert together, in Las Vegas, looking for strippers and cocaine. So tonight, I make a toast!"


Tom said...

Dude, I thought you died.

Sean said...

Unfortunately, Dunkin is not hiring here in Greenwood at the moment, but I'm hoping they fire somebody for running a Meth lab soon. The Janitor idea is absolutely brilliant. This would be perfect. I could make up a different life story everyday, tell people that my siblings are also my parents and act like I was kept in a dog cage as a baby. Honestly, would this job not be perfect for me?

As for your saga with your mom today, just remember that in one month you'll be 25 and you'll be just as much as a failure as you are now. It's a wonderful feeling. I know from experience.